Return on Resilience: Building a Breakthrough Mindset (Video Series - Commercial License)

Return on Resilience: Building a Breakthrough Mindset (Video Series - Commercial License)


If I had a dollar for every time someone asked me how they can be more resilient I’d be living on a yacht in the Bahamas :) As I’ve always said, resilience is a bit like riding a bike; it’s something that needs to be practiced.

“I honestly feel like Warren’s been with me, cheering me on. I’ve watched his 4 videos several times over and they serve to remind me why I am where I am today…and what I still need to do!”

Edna F, Conexus Credit Union

In this five-part series of 5- 10 minute videos, we’ll go through what that looks like for me. The tips and tricks I’ve used over the years to help me reframe when I need to in order to navigate challenging situations. The tools you’ll need to keep your mindset on point for dealing with uncertainty and change.

So, what can you expect?

Week One: Introduction

An introduction to the process we’ll be going through, including briefly recapping Warren’s story. Outlining why it’s so important to be “banking” resilience.

Watch Week One HERE for free.

Week Two: Acceptance

What does it mean? How acceptance gets us aligned and in sync with reality.

Week Three: Responsibility

What does responsibility really look like? Recognizing what it is, and what it isn’t, with a focus on how we show up and how that affects those around us.

Week Four: The three C’s

Connection, Commitment, Creativity.

Where the rubber hits the road. We look at identifying our “flow” state; that which puts us in a state of connection, with ourselves and others. Enlisting others to keep us in check. And lastly, creating something that wasn’t there before.

Week Five: Bringing it all Together

One of the lessons from COVID, is that we’re all explorers now.

That we’ve all been plunged into unchartered waters, and that can be incredibly unsettling, or incredibly exciting. You get to decide :)

This is a pre- recorded series that is also available either fully customised for your group, or partially customised with a live (virtual) Q & A at the end of the series.

Contact us for details.

“I found great value in Warren's four-week series on Building Resiliency. With each video segment I felt like he was speaking directly to what I was currently facing.”

Heather E, Conexus Credit Union

REMINDER: You can watch the first week for free HERE.

“To make these videos short & punchy & filled with real wisdom, a great deal of thought must have gone into this. This is spiritual gold and I think many people need it now. I think I'm not the only one who needs to be reminded and reconnect with my own personal power now.”

Anonymous course participant

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